Streamline registration by auto-filling customer info⚡
Your public Waitwhile links now support pre-filling information for your customers when they register, using URL query parameters. You can pre-fill name, email, services, resources and a lot more.
The link that you provide to your guests (to join a waitlist or make a booking) can have a variety of different query parameters added to it in order to pre-fill certain customer information, and now you can use this same method to further streamline the signup process by pre-selecting services!
A great example of this feature in action is adding links for specific services on your website, instead of having your guests select those during the actual signup process.
By adding one or more service IDs as a query parameter to your Waitlist signup or Booking URLs, it will automatically pre-select those services and skip the Service selection page in the sign-up flow.
➡ Read more about how to configure query parameters for pre-selecting services