Booking request messages ✉️
To improve the experience for your frontline staff and your customers, we have added automated appointment booking messages!
With these new message types, you can now easily and automatically communicate with your customers when they schedule an appointment. The first message type, Booking Request Confirmation, lets your customers know that their appointment has been requested and will be confirmed (or rejected) soon. The second message type, Booking Request Rejected, informs your customers that their request has been declined and suggests alternative options.
These messages are fully customizable in our easy-to-use editor and can be sent automatically, saving you time and improving your customers' experience. Plus, with the ability to send these messages directly from Waitwhile, you can easily manage all your customer communications in one place.
Try out our appointment booking message notifications today and enhance your customer experience even further! Set this up at:
→ Settings > Messages > Bookings
Please note: You need to have Booking approvals activated to see this feature.